Facts & Figures

REMA TIP TOP AG has gained international renown across the years due to its high-quality products and professional services.

Represented in more than 150 countries


approx.1,4 billion EUR

Employees worldwide:


Participations worldwide:

more than200

Production locations

Karte der Produktionsstandorte
Germany: Poing, Fürstenzell, Desdorf, Somplar, Wittenberg, Warstein, Anröchte, Nauen, Rodenberg, Liegau, Feldkirchen, Schotten, Einhausen
France: Luxeuil-les-Bains
Denmark: Tarm
The Netherlands: Emmen, Middenmeer
Poland: Pikary/Katowice
USA: Madison/Georgia
China: Tianjin, Huainan/Anhui
Japan: Nagoya
South Africa: Benoni, Howick
Chile: Santiago de Chile